Let’s get ZA6 restored.
ZA6 was the last locomotive ordered by the TGR. Although the still under state control at the time, its delivery in mid-1976 was after ownership of the railways had transferred to the Commonwealth Government.
ZA6 was the last locomotive built by the English Electric Company of Australia Pty Ltd and its successor the General Electric Company of Australia Limited at the Rocklea works in Queensland. GEC ceased to be involved with locomotive production after ZA6 was built, ending a 20 year period of construction resulting in around 275 English Electric powered locomotives being built.
ZA6 was unique in Tasmania for having a commemorative livery to mark the bicentenary of the British colonisation of Australia in 1988. Although basically a repaint into the ANR green and yellow colour scheme, bicentenary logos were painted on the sides of the long hood and Tasmanian flags were painted on the ends instead of ANR logos. When ZA6 was repainted into the predominantly yellow ‘reverse’ colour scheme in December 1996, the logos and flags were repainted, and the logos are still present on the long hood today.
ZA6 will be repainted in the Australian National Green and Gold livery (with black bogie) and the full 1988 bi-centennial decals applied. Dependent on funds raised, we hope to have ZA6 fully operational.
How do I donate?
Click on the Donate link below.
We appreciate every donation large or small. Every dollar helps us restore this historic locomotive and the good news is that every donation over $2 is tax deductible.
Click on the GoFundMe page link above to make a donation or contact us if you would prefer to deposit directly into our account. Thank you for your support.