Last week an important step towards our redevelopment plans being achieved was the submission to the major political parties of a comprehensive funding submission. The Museum is seeking $3.5 million over 4 years to undertake a number of projects designed to radically improve the visitor experience and provide much needed infrastructure upgrades. The projects include;
a repaint of the entire site in heritage colours
the construction of a new rail fleet maintenance hall and workshop
new commercial roller doors to improve security and protect our exhibits
a complete electrical upgrade
asphalting of the currently graveled forecourt and entry plus a number of smaller but no less important minor works.
Initial talks with planning officers at the Glenorchy Council have been held and discussions with other stakeholders are underway. Full details, including a copy of the maintenance hall and workshop plans prepared on the Museum’s behalf by leading Tasmanian builder, Fairbrother Pty Ltd, will be posted in future updates. So, if we all let our political friends know of our urgent need for some much needed investment, this vision might one day become a reality.